Yesterday, Saturday, Charlie and I traveled south to Kemah to the "In the Water Boat Show". It was a beautiful day, 84 degrees and that Texas weather. We went with specific things in mind, but came away with a wealth of information for the future as well as for our 30' Atra. She is needing some sprucing up before she is FOR SALE! Our main purpose was to look for davits...this is the structure that raises and lowers a dingy in and out of the water. It is positioned at the stern of the boat (for all my non-sailing friends). We met a WOW! She, Terrie Olver, is the owner and know it all of Kato Marine. Her expertise in explaing her product was spot on. As a teacher you recognize the ability of someone getting the point across or not. She was this petite powerhouse and I liked her right off the bat. Charlie talked to her for close to an hour. We will buy our davits from her.
Island Sol |