May 30, 2016
Marina Paraiso
Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Here I sit again in beautiful Isla Mujeres. As you can tell I have not entered a post for a year. Last season (April 2015) I had a bicycle accident, trying to avoid an iguana I fell off my bike from a raised platform and subsequently tore my ACL and meniscus on my left knee.

My two lovely friends, Sarah and Maggie arrived the next day for a week of fun in the sun. Luckily I was able to get a hold of them before they left the states and they delivered a knee brace and cane to help me hobble around during their visit. Hated that I put somewhat of a damper on their trip...The sisters, though had a great time and it was wonderful for me to have my favorite friends here with me.
I confirmed my knee issue in Cancun with a MRI and a visit to a local orthopedic, then flew back to the US for surgery and 3 months of Physical Therapy. Meanwhile, after being nurse, Haley flew down to Isla to enjoy a week with her Daddy, while Sean became my nurse at home. Love you, son, but your nursing skills need a lot of improvement...But I am truly grateful to have them both take care of me! So, then Sean bailed and flew south to help Charlie move the boat back to the Rio Dulce, in Guatemala. Six weeks later, my husband was home for hurricane season with s/v Island Sol safe in her slip at Luv's Marina.
Jerry and Susan (s/v Vida Dulce) |
Our trips home are always too short for me and before we knew it, it was time to head back to Guatemala and prepare the boat for the next sailing season. Again, we were fortunate to sail along with s/v Vida Dulce (Jerry and Susan) back to Mexico. It took us a good week, stopping in at beautiful anchorages in the middle of nowhere. We enjoyed our respite in the Bahia de Ascension and the little town of Punta Allen. Then made our way back to Isla Mujeres.
My sweet mother, Beth |
On November 23, 2015 my mother, Beth, had a stroke which required surgery and at 88 that was a very scarey thing. Charlie and I made a hasty trip back to the states the next day. To make a very long story short, my mother had a second stroke after successful surgery on the first, went back for a second surgery and then a third surgery to repair a leak from the first surgery. Then a month in rehab. We were blessed with her recovery, she had a g-tube inserted for feeding as her swallow was not good enough for her to eat or drink. So with just the loss of her short term memory and using a walker to get around, she is back at home and happy. My many prayers were answered.
I returned to Mexico, January 15, with a lot of guilt for not being there with my parents. But, thanks to Haley, she is taking good care of them for me. So, we have gotten more familiar with the island and have met some really nice people along the way. The food here is amazing and in general it is an easy place to be with many amenities at hand. I joined a knitting club - thank you Dody for the invite - and have met some great women who are very talented. Charlie has been having fun with his drone and has gotten some amazing pictures of the island and the beautiful water that surrounds it....that is why it is called the Mayan Rivera.
We were also fortunate to take an 18 day trip to Cuba with Jerry and Susan. That will require a post of it own (soon to be posted). And, 2 days ago the whale shark season started and we were one of only 6 boats out there swimming with these amazing fish. Last year, there must have been 40+ boats out there, but it was later in the season and then the number of sharks were much larger. If you are not aware of these gentle giants, google them....they are astonishing and to be at arm's length from them is pretty thrilling.
Haley and Lys |
toasting to Linda's arrival |
Haley and her girlfriend Lys, came for a week in March. And, our good friend John also spent some time with us, after our visit with him in Tulum. Toward the end of this month, Linda joined us for a week. All she needed was "vodka and the beach"....we had plenty of both. We had a wonderful time with my "Siter". We did do a whale shark tour and Linda, swam with the "sharks". It was pretty darn thrilling. So, in just 3 more days our daughter, Haley and her husband, Bobby will arrive for a week's vacation. We are so thrilled to be able to see them both on s/v Island Sol again. Then we will be off to Guatemala, unfortunately s/v Vida Dulce will be leaving today and we will not have the pleasure of sailing back with them.
Sean and Devin dropping us off at airport |
Charlie on our scooter |
Visit to Chichen Itza |
dinner at El Varadero |