Rio Dulce, Guatemala
Yesterday was a day! Got up at 6am, at the airport by 9am, on the plane at 11am, arrived in San Pedro Sul, Honduras at 3:15 and were met by our friend and driver, Giovanni. It was a long ride to Guatemala. Only stopped once by the federal police in Honduras, checking passports and luggage. At the boarder of Honduras and Guatemala we were able to get through immigration without a problem. I always wonder how these countries feel about us Americans since we are so unwelcoming to their citizens.
Our boat flag, seems like a metaphor for our
our country now....not the best it can be!
I had to go to the bathroom and had to pay 5 Lempiras to us it, that also pays for your toilet paper....and of course now that I am back in Central America....the toilet paper goes in the trash.....just one of my little pet peeves. The roads here are 2 lanes with no lighting and no stripping on the edge of the road. And if you think the number of 18 wheelers are bad on our highways....well just double that. Driving at night is not for sissys here. Finally I just had to stop looking ahead, and then there are all the motorcycles with no back lights....it's crazy!
Got to Rio Dulce around 7:30 just as it was beginning to rain and we had 5 large bags, 2 backpacks, and 2 "personal items" to unload. We had a quick dinner and at 9pm, Fernando, picked us up in the "launcha" and got us back to our boat before the "bottom dropped out again"! We managed to pile our bags in the boat and fall into bed.
Today....well it was another day from hell....no food on the boat and our outboard motor (for our dingy) would not start. Our marina is about a mile from town, but we lucked out and got Roberto, the owners son, to take us in to the NEW grocery store, La Torre. Oh my were we in heaven. It is air conditioned and has a produce case that is larger than 5', which was what the Dispensa (old grocery store) has. So tomorrow is more work to get everything put away, then get to working on wiping all the mildew and mold off of EVERYTHING! Do I sound like I am complaining? So stay tuned for more fun in "paradise"!!!