Friday, January 6, 2017

Rio Dulce, Guatemala

The last few days have been filled with getting the boat ready for our first leg of this adventure, to Roatan, Honduras.  Luv and his wife, Amy, had a big Christmas party for all of his employees.  It was a catered affair at the palapa.  I ate fresh fried chicharrones for the first time, and I have to say they are the bomb with a beer....not like the ones out of a package by any means.  The party started around 2:30, but got into full swing by dark.  I danced the night fandango and then couldn't hardly walk the next day....Charlie is laughing his ass off about this.  My mind is 35, but my body is 65....damn I hate that!

So, here are some pictures of our last days on the Rio.  Adios....we won't be back for a couple of years at least.  It is a nice place, but it just isn't the Caribbean, what can I say!

    Here is the garbage "truck" on the Rio Dulce.  We were having
a nice breakfast in the sunshine and then before you knew it is 
               was raining cats and dogs, it can be a white out at times.  

 Rosita's is our most favorite restaurant on the Rio Dulce. 
 It's clientele is mostly rich Guatemalans and the food is excellent.

This is view from Rositas looking back down the river to the bridge.
So here we had fresh Robalo (snook) carpaccio with avocado slices, peppers and red onion (large plate). And braised pulpo
(octopus) in a fabulous spicy sauce with the best garlic bread I've ever eaten to sop up all that delicious sauce.

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